

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year?

Well, don't.

Seriously, November is a stupid month to do a national writing month. You have TONS to do that time of year, whether it be taking down the Halloween decorations, putting up the Christmas decorations, getting ready for Thanksgiving, getting a jump on your Christmas shopping, making sure you get your leaves down to the curb before the final leaf-pick-up day in your city or village, etc., etc.

You don't have time for novel writing in November. Unless you're a complete hermit, none of us do.

Which is why, for the second straight year, I'm pushing the idea of "NotNovWriMo." That is, doing your novel writing month in some other month besides November.

My personal pick? January. When the holidays are over, all the parties have concluded, and you're there with a (hopefully) mild hangover on January 1st with nothing better to do on your day off than watch an old movie or, better yet, start on your book's opening chapter. But you pick the month that suits you.

Best of all, all you need to do is write. You don't need to buy a t-shirt, or participate in a group, join a forum, or have to put up with the endless B.S. and tiresome drama that NaNoWriMo has undergone in recent years.

Screw 'em.

Not-November Writing Month! It's a beautiful thing!




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